Logan RCX Regional Tournament
Fun at the Fair Challenge 
March 18, 2017


Champion:  157 Points, Ultimate Robo from South Todd Elementary, Todd County
Runner-Up   151 Points, VIR- Very Important Robot from  South Todd Elementary, Todd County


Champion: 243 Points, Bionic Bears from Chandler's Elementary, Logan County
Runner-Up: 214 Points, Talos from Auburn Elementary, Logan County



Champion: 76 points, Gary Come Home from Todd County Central HS, Todd County

 Below is a list of additional teams which competed by school with their high score.  If you have any questions, email doug.rcx@gmail.com


Da Robo Clowns 151
Blue Lightning 56
Funhouse 55



RoboRaiders 186
Mjolnir 144
Thunderblazers 123
Motherboard 121
RoboCubs 118
Cheez Stix 88



RCX Regional Tournament

Logan County 

February 27, 2016


Champion:  75 Points, Team Cardinal from South Todd Elementary, Todd County



Champion: 165 Points, Bionic Bears from Chandler's Elementary, Logan County
Runner-Up: 160 Points, Return of the Tigers from Auburn elementary, Logan County



Champion: 185 points, The Lizard Squad from Todd County Central HS, Todd County
Runner-Up: 185 points, LoCoRoboto from Logan County HS, Logan County
                 185 points, League of LEGOs from Todd County Central HS, Todd County

 Below is a list of additional teams which competed by school with their high score.  If you have any questions, email doug.rcx@gmail.com




The Phantom Tigers Middle 95
Revenge of the Tigers Middle 90

