RCX Chicago Sites State Tournament Results

STLP State Championships

April 20, 2022


Team Enthusiasm:                 Oakview Elementary

Team Challenge Design:       I forgot to write them done   :(



Charles Russell Elementary Charles Russell Elementary Techno Wizards 495.01
Whitesville Elementary Whitesville Wildcats Team 1 455.01
Country Heights Elementary CHES 2 440
Alvaton Elementary The Gold Girls Plus One 410
Oakview Elementary Oakview Comets 365.027
Ballard County Elementary Ballard BombBots 330
West Louisville Elementary Komodo Mates 320.031
Crittenden Mount Zion Elementary CMZ 2 315
Lyon County Elementary LCES Robotics 310.015
Whitesville Elementary Whitesville Wildcats Team 2 300

 Additional participating teams:

Alvaton Elementary River Rats
Whitesville Elementary Whitesville Wildcats Team 5
Hager Elementary Hager Wildcats: Team B
Opoage Elementary Poage Pioneers
Hager Elementary Hager Wildcats: Team A
Walton Verona Elementary Dot Dot Dot Dots
Country Heights Elementary CHES 1
Country Heights Elementary CHES 4
Country Heights Elementary CHES 3
West Louisville Elementary Unknowns
Crittenden Mount Zion Elementary CMZ 1
Country Heights Elementary CHES 5
West Louisville Elementary The Shockwaves
Estes Elementary Bulldog Bots 1
Crabbe Elementary Crabbe Tigers
St. Mary School System Zombie Soldiers
Estes Elementary Bulldog Bots 2
Cochrane elementary Robo Cougars
Estes Elementary Bulldog Bots 3
Whitesville Elementary Whitesville Wildcats Team 3
Whitesville Elementary Whitesville Wildcats Team 4



Concinnity Academy RoboFury 620
Livingston County Redwood Robotics 545.02
Alvaton Elementary The Beans 450
Webster County Middle Webster County Middle School 440
Alvaton Elementary The Millennials 425
Elkhorn City Elementary Cougarbots 400
St. Mary School System Top Notch Builders 380
Plano Elementary The Mystic Dragons 350
Henry County Middle Jim Joe 335.01
Plano Elementary The Mystic Dragons 325

 Additional participating teams:

Plano Elementary Plano Predators
Alvaton Elementary Boys of the Pier
Plano Elementary Robo Raptors
Ashland Middle Good Players
Meyzeek Middle Meyzeek RCX White
Plano Elementary The Ratatouille Robots
St. Mary School System Flying Robots
Ashland Middle Melodic Robotic
Meyzeek Middle Meyzeek RCX Black
Newburg Middle Cyber Tigers 3
Plano Elementary Robotic Robots
Walton Verona Middle Brick Builders
Walton Verona Middle Burgoids
Ashland Middle Legocats
Newburg Middle Cyber Tigers 2
Meyzeek Middle Meyzeek RCX Red
Newburg Middle Cyber Tigers 1
Ashland Middle Retro Robots



Cedars of Lebanon Christian Academy Circuit Smart 835.033
University Heights Academy Bot Builders 710.02
University Heights Academy Deep Dish 545.01
Butler Traditional DR.Doophinshmirtz 530
Butler Traditional TacoTruX 9 470
Blazer Blazer 2 380
Butler Traditional Speedy Gonzales 380
Butler Traditional Lego-Ganksters 375
Butler Traditional iBot4Life 315
Butler Traditional R2DTWO 310

 Additional participating teams:

Blazer Blazer 1
St. Mary School System



LIVE Programming

Henry County Middle Darth Vader 175.015