October 10, 2017

Q&A for the Body Works Challenge

Post all your questions for the Body Works Challenge here.  A response to your question will be provided by Doug as soon as time allows.  If you would like to comment on others posts, feel free to share.

Gayla Webb said:

Can the heart be placed upside down?


Doug RCX said:

Yes, the Heart can be placed upside down. It will likely score as “Partially In” because of the design of the Heart, it will rest on its side and be on top of the LEGOs that form the Base.


Gayle Webb said:

Can the IV Bags touch the mat?


Doug RCX said:

I see nothing in the documents that prohibit that design. Just make sure the design meets the rest of the requirements for Mission 1 & 2.


Regina Hannemann said:

The video for the sprained ankle construction shows two blue pegs at the beginning. I don’t see those in the piece list nor do they show up in the video again. Did I miss something?


Doug RCX said:

The Blue pegs are an “oops”, the Sprained Ankle does not use them.


Jennefer said:

Does the robot return to the safe zone after each mission?


Doug RCX said:

You should program to robot to return to the Safe Zone after each run is completed. If the students touch the robot outside of the Safe Zone, they will have to return the robot to the Safe Zone to restart the robot. The Team will also be assessed a Touch Penalty.


Stephanie Holcomb said:

Can you attach the torn muscles together when you bring them back to base before you put them back in the red?


Doug RCX said:

General Rule 24, Deliverable Objects, briefly summarized, the LEGOs are not allowed to be attached together.

The intent of the “Torn Muscle” mission is for the robot to relocate the Torn Muscle LEGOs in the field. However, your question treats them as Retrievable and Deliverable Objects. Therefore, with respect to your action, you need to follow the General Rules which address Retrievable and Deliverable Objects.

You may collect the Torn Muscle LEGOs in any fashion.


Dan said:

Can you have two different pitri dishes, one for 14a and one for 14c or does it need to be the same one (in which case would need to do 14c first to get it to the lab to do 14a)?


Doug RCX said:

The number and how you use the Petri Dish is up to you. There are no limits. Just follow the Mission requirements.


Ean Lowell said:

When we place the IV stand on the gray part does it have to be completely on?


Doug RCX said:

The IV Stand may be completely, or partially on the outline of the IV Stand on the mat. Make sure to follow the mission requirements as stated in the mission video and BWC Mission document.


Louis Peters said:

Does the robot have to be completely on the quad or can part of it be hanging off the platform or touching a ramp?


Doug RCX said:

Your question is not simple to answer without seeing the condition of the robot, compared with the Quad Platform.

Follow the video and documents listed on the BWC page. (“Mission 15, Success”, Coaches Meeting Video, time stamp of 42:00 minutes and the attached document.)

The key question to answer is where is the driving source(wheels or tread attached to the motor) located as compared to the Quad Platform when the robot stops.
The driving soucre must be above the Quad Platform, partially of completely, touching or not touching. With regard to tread, the majority of the tread must be on or above the Quad Platform.

On tournament day, the referee will have the final decision.

Here is some guidance:
Can the robot hang over the Quad? Yes
Can the robot be touching a ramp? Yes
Can the robot be on its side? Yes
Can the robot be “on” the Quad and touch the mat? No
If the robot is on a ramp or other device to aid the robot’s ability to climb on to the Quad Platform, is this device attached to the robot, or separate from the robot?
If the ramp or other device were removed, would the robot stay on top of the Quad Platform, or would it fall to the mat?

Ultimately, the intent of the mission is for the robot to be on top or above the Quad Platform without touching any other surface. If you can answer “Yes” to this, then you would get the score.

Tohelp me provide you a better answer, send me a picture.


Melissa Meyer said:

Do you have to place the IV stand before completing any other mission?


Doug RCX said:

You may attempt the BWC missions in any order.


Sarah said:

IV stand — Do we make our own IV stand bags out of legos?

Eye- Can the eye be pushed along the mat from the safe zone to the eye socket? Or does that violate rule #31?


brenden said:

what can the bags be made out of


Doug RCX said:

The IV Stand is constructed from LEGOS
Your team needs to construct the IV Stand from LEGOs not provided in the BWC set.


Doug RCX said:

The Eye and any “Deliverable Object” or “Retrievable Object” may be touching the mat while it is being manipulated.

The key to Rule 31 is the location of the robot in reference to the mission object at the second the robot acts(grabs it or releases it) on the mission object. The robot MUST be completely out of the Safe Zone to complete the task.

Example: The robot pushes the Eye on the mat.
The robot delivers the Eye to the Eye Socket.
At the second the robot releases control of the Eye, is the robot “completely” out of the Safe Zone?
If yes, then the action does NOT violtate Rule 31.
If no, then the action does violate Rule 31.

If you can answer “Yes” to this question whenever the robot acts on a mission object, then you will never violate Rule 31.


Jessica said:

For the IV mission. Will you have the bags for the IVs, or can we make our own from Legos?


Doug RCX said:

The kids will have to provide their own IV bags, using LEGOs, create your own version of IV bags.


Louis Peters said:

One of my teams pointed out that the kidney mission description online seems to differ from the document I have. Can the kidney stone be partially on the kidney to score? Or must it be completely in the outline?


Doug RCX said:

For the “Hard” choice. The change is listed on the Body Works Video & Document page. To score, the Kidney Stone can be either “Partially” or “Completely”.


Michelle Marcum said:

Does the IV stand the students make out of legos have to fit the entire outline on the mat or is it able to score if is just delivered on the grey line or blue area?


Louis Peters said:

Another Kidney question. If a team is not doing this mission and has no preference, what should the referee do with the pieces? Is the preference to put them in the safe zone or in the kidneys? I am preparing a referee briefing for our tournament and anticipate this coming up.


Doug said:

The IV Stand is your students interpretation.
Only a part of the IV Stand needs to be touching the outline on the mat to score.
Size is the students discretion.


Doug RCX said:

Good question.
Since the kidney stones are pictured on the mat in the Safe ZONE, place them in the Safe ZONE. Mark “Hard” for the answer to the Choice question.


Tim said:

IV Bags The IV bag is on an axle, point of entry for the bag is a hole sliding over the axle. This allows the iv bag to slide freely up and down the length of the axle. Can there be an axle collar (grey or yellow) on the end of the axle to prevent the bag from sliding off the axle/IV stand?

Doug RCX said:

Nice design.
Can you answer the question: Can the Referee remove the IV Bag from the IV Stand?

The Referee should be able to hold the IV Stand in one hand and the IV Bag in another without any kind of entanglement or obstruction.

If the Bushing(the yellow or grey axle collar) prevents the IV Bag from separating from the IV Stand, then they are connected even though the IV Bag moves freely up and down the axle.

In your example, the Referee can NOT remove the IV Bag from the IV Stand. The act of the Referee removing the bushing would mean the Referee needs to disconnect the bushing from the axle in order to remove the IV Bag.

No score for this design.

If the design did NOT have the bushing, it would be acceptable.

Also, assuming the design did NOT have the bushing, the team can NOT install it later to aid in Mission 2.

When the Referee scores the Match, potentially, the Referee may have to separate the IV Bag from the IV Stand to ensure no additional LEGOs were added.


Tim said:

Dislocated shoulder

Shoulder is in a scored position, but robot needs to be picked up and returned to safe zone, incurring a touch penalty. In the process of picking up the robot, I knock the yellow shoulder arm out of the scoring position it was in. Do we move the yellow shoulder arm back to a scored position, or leave it where it is after the ‘knock’.

Doug RCX said:

Scoring for the arm.

Scoring of the arm would be at the end of the Match, not during.

At the time the robot is touched by the team member, or the Referee if “Help” is asked for, and the arm is in the scoring position, then replace the arm to the scoring position as soon as possible.

Action of the robot throughout the remainder of the Match may relocate the arm again. If the robot moves the arm in future runs, then score the arm as it rests at the end of the Match.


Tim said:

Epi Pen

Epi pen is in a scored position. In the process of trying to score on the ankle, my robot hits the epi pen, totally dislodging it from the mat. In this case there would be no score for the epi pen as it has been dislodged?

Doug RCX said:

Any Mission Object should remain in the location it was attached. If the robot dislodges the Mission Object from the dual lock, there would be NO Score. Or NO points awarded depending on the Mission.


Louis Peters said:

A team has constructed a lego box to hold the bone marrow pieces and moved the box into the pelvis area. Will this count or do the pieces have to physically touch the mat?


Doug RCX said:

The Body Works Challenge Mission documents states “touching” for the Bone Marrow to score.


youngdo lee said:

broken leg: is anybody else having the problem of the mat under the velcro lifting up off the table while the robot is attempting this mission? Can we tape down the mat as we have done in the past?


Joseph Garrott said:

On mission 1, in the video it states that 1 removable iv bag is worth 15 points and 2 removal iv bags are worth 25 points. The next statement in the video is that there are 40 points total available before the match starts for the IV bags. Which one is accurate? Is it 25 total of 40 total points for the removable Iv bags.


Doug RCX said:

Broken Leg, Dual Lock Under Mat

At this point, since all Regional Materials have been sent out, expect Dual Lock to be under the Broken Leg. I will advise the Regional Host to use tape, but it will be up to the Host.

For State, I will use Tape.


Doug RCX said:

I misspoke. The Body Works Missions document states:
1 IV Bag 15 Points
2 IV Bags 25 Points
Maximum 25 Points total


Louis Peters said:

I’m sure I’ve seen the answer to this one before, but if a team has constructed a ramp for the quad, and the ramp will be pushed from the safe zone to the quad, does the ramp have to start completely in the safe zone? Or can it be touching the mat outside of the safe zone at start?


Summer said:

For the white blood cells, can they be stacked in the petri dish or standing straight up OR do they have to be laying down, not stacked at all?


Steve Marionneaux said:

A school wants to hold their robot attachments at the table in a 24"x 24" box that won’t fit in the extended safe zone chair. Is that okay?


Doug RCX said:

“Ramp to Quad”, attachments
Nothing may touch outside of the Safe Zone. If a teams uses a ramp to climb the Quad, any part of the ramp touching the mat must start inside the Quad.


Doug RCX said:

“White Blood Cells”
The requirement for the White Blood Cells is that they be in a Petri Dish, NOT touching the mat.

Make sure they are NOT connected.

Yes, they can be stacked.


Doug RCX said:

“Box at the Extension of Safe Zone”

For some reason the box/ container the team brings to the table to place at the Extension of Safe Zone has been a popular question this year.

There is NO General Rule that limits the box. I will say the intent is for teams to place all items on the chair, table, or desk during the match.

Teams have used rather large containers, some with wheels, that can not fit on the chair, table, or desk. Thus the team has positioned the chair and box as necessary.

For this year, I say allow the team to bring whatever container to the match as they deem necessary. If the Host, or Head Referee feels there is a SAFETY issue, please discuss your concerns with the Team Coach.


Arthur Freeman said:

During District Tourney, some teams had “IV” bags they said were in their ‘supplies’ kits. We got 2 kits and neither had any type of IV bags. We made our stand and BAGS. Are there required bags we must use or will our homemade bags work?


Doug RCX said:

At the State Tournament, NO IV Bag made of NON LEGOs will be accepted.

Just to clarify, the plastic bag that the LEGOs came in with the RCX supplies is not a LEGO product. The plastic bag that LEGOs come in when you buy a set from the store, that plastic bag is NOT a LEGO product.


Doug RCX said:


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