November 11, 2024

Mission Horizon:Headed to the Moon Q&A Page

Coaches and Team Members

Send an email to if you have any questions.  I will post your question and my responses on this page.  By using my email, I should be able to reply the same day. 

When emailing a question, please follow this outline:

                   Subject Line:  Mission Horizon Question

                  Comments:  "Mission #" 

                          Identify the Mission, then outline your question or concern.


                  Comments:   "General Rule"

                         Identify the General Rules, then outline your question or concern.


Q&A posted on this page will be used to clarify General Rules and Mission Horizon:Headed to the Moon Missions and Rules questions.  Sometimes the combination of the General Rules, Mission Horizon documents and videos may create a conflict.  Things may need to be clarified.  Post your question so that a member of the RCX Team can provide an answer to clarify your question.  The responses from the RCX Team will establish conditions your team will need to follow to prepare for this year's challenge.


We will try to get back with you ASAP.


At the Tournament

Question from Mellisa

What can a Coach do at the Tournament?

Answer from Doug

This question is a little early, but actually as a coach, we should be working toward this answer from the first day of practice.  Make sure to review the RCX General Rules, RCX Tournament Policy, and RCX Run Efficient Tournament documents, plus other documents on the RCX General Rules and Other Support Documents page.. 

1st:  General Rules:  Eligibility
          Rule 1-1   The RCX Program is open to students of any school or
                           educational program. Students compete in three Divisions:
                           Elementary (up to 5th Grade), Middle School (6th to 8th
                           Grade) and High School (9th to 12th Grade).

         Rule 1-3     Adults and college students are encouraged to mentor, to
                           educate, to coach, and to lead teams, but should never do
                           the team’s work and are not eligible to compete.

Meaning:  ONLY students from Elementary through High School may compete
                at a tournament.  Adults, mentors, coaches are
                                                 not eligible to compete.

                If a coach can not compete, a coach can not coach
                                                [during the Match].
                A Coach may coach away from the Match in the Pit Area, Practice
               area,or any area away from the Competition area.

2nd:  General Rules:  Tournament
          Rule 7-1     Tournaments will follow the RCX Program Tournament Policy.

    Tip: Empower your students to manage all activities during the tournament.
           Allow them to be responsible for the robot, laptop, or any other item your
           team will use at this event.

     During the Match, Team Members should have the knowledge without the
          Coaches help as to what program to run, or what attachment to use.  If a
          problem arises, something breaks, Touch Penalty or anything out of the
          normal, teams should have been coached during practice time on how to
          "Problem Solve", TroubleShoot and so on to work through problems.

3rd:  Coach Location
         We used to set up 2 extra chairs per team at tournaments.  The Quad set
         up is congested, so we removed the chairs.

        The Quad set up of 4 Tables.
        -  Only 2 team members may be at the table from each team.
            - The rest of the Team needs to stay back at least 10 feet from the table
             to provide room for the Team Members and Referees during the Match.
            - Up to 2 Coaches may stand with the rest of the Team.
            - Coaches are not allowed to give verbal or non-verbal commands to
              Team Members during the Match.

            - Team Members standing back from the table are allowed to provide
              verbal & non-verbal commands to the Team Members at the Table.

4th:  A Fair Tournament
     -Parents, siblings, fans, & spectators are encouraged to cheer their team on.
     -When does "Cheering" become "Coaching".  It is a fine line and hard to
      control. Sometimes comments from the crowd help the team, sometimes it
      causes confusion.

So What can a Coach do at the Tournament? 

Ultimately, there is a balance we
adults need to follow.  Coaches should limit there "Coaching" to areas away
from the Competition Area.  The Host and Referees may ask adults to limit
comments, forewhich they feel provides and unfair advantage or distraction to
other teams.  

Here is what I do, as RCX Program Manager, when I am at a tournament.
     I limit coach interaction at the Competition Table.
          I personally stop the coach during the Match if I see them coaching.
          I coach the coach and the team after the Match when necessary.

     For the Audience, I encourage cheering.
          If I see a parent "Coaching", I approach them to stop. 
          I provide positive reinforcement to the parents and ask them not to
          coach.  I want the parents involved.  I want the kids to see how much
          the parents appreciate their efforts.

As your Team, and Parents attend a tournament, the event should be a positive
activity for everyone.  Issues always arise.  We just deal with them the best we can.


Question from Melissa

At the tournament, if a team has 2 members, and one teammate is sick, how does the team compete?

Answer from Doug

General Rules 1-5 & 1-8   A Team may have 1 to 10 members.

Also, in the spirit of good sportsmanship. if a coach has a team with only 1 or 2 members and one of them are sick, the coach should notify the Regional Host.  The Coach may substitute a teammember from another team to participate on the team of the sick/absent team member.  The Team member from another team may still participate on their original team.


Question from Melissa

If during the Match, the robot from one table goes to another table, what should we do?

Answer from Doug

The RCX Competition is a non combative tournament.  Meaning, if Robot 1 impacts the table of Robot 2,(3 or 4), the referee will make a judgement call to "benefit" the teams on table 2, (3 or4).  The benefit could be as simple as the referee awards points for disrupted Mission Objects, or potentially allowing teams from table 2, (3 or 4) to rerun the entire Match.  Robot 1 would not be provided a benefit of points or the abiity to rerun the Match.

Also, if multiple robots attempt to climb onto the Quad Platform in the same Match, follow the document "Scoring the Quad Platform", page 2, multiple robots section.


Safe Zone

Question from Janet

We know that the robot itself cannot touch the mat outside of the safe zone or hang over safe zone, but can attachments hang over the black line of the safe zone as long as they don’t touch the mat?

Answer from Doug

Let me clarify.

Review the General Rules:  Safe Zone, Rule 5-4 through 5-7.

In short, non touching parts of the robot can hang over the Black Line &/or outside of the Safe Zone.  Attachments are considered part of the robot once they are attached.

Make sure to review all of the General Rules for the Safe Zone.


Mission 1, The Habitat

Question from Amanda

If I have multiple teams how do we do the habitat airlock? 

Answer from Doug

Review the document for the Habitat Design found on the Mission webpage.  There are instructions on how to build a Habitat for additional teams.

Tournaments will provide an Airlock for each Mat.


Question form Angel

What direction should the Airlock door be facing?

Answer from Doug

The Coaches Meeting Video states that the Airlock Door should be facing the North Wall.


Question from Melissa

Does the Habitat have to have multiple floors and a roof?

Answer from Doug

The only things the Habitat has to have are the LEGO pieces for the Airlock Door.

The rest of the Habitat is based on the design of the students.  Multiple rooms, Multiple floors, Inhabitants, and so on are at the descretion of the students.  

The students should be able to explain in detail their creation to the referee.


Question from Daniel

The Habitat document has conflicting pictures of how to construct and place the Airlock Door at the Start of the Match.

Answer from Doug

Great Catch Daniel, brain fart by me.

In the Habitat Document, point 7. Scoring.

The Airlock should placed as shown in Step 7 of the Incorporate the Airlock Base into the Habitat at the Start of the Match.  Then scored as pictured in point 7. Scoring. 


 Mission 3

Question from Melissa

For the mission object, how far is the axle pushed into the square LEGO base?

Answer from Doug

Construct the Generator as described in the Mission Object Construction video.  After constructed, use your finger and flick the ornge LEGO so that the top spins.  The top should spin easily with minimal friction.  If the top has a hard time spinning, raise the axle out of the square LEGO base a little to allow the top to spin easily.


Mission 6 

 Question from Anna

Does the Exploration Vehicle have to be touching the mat completely touching, or partially?

Answer from Doug

The Exploration Vehicle can score either "Completely, or Partially".  The vehicle must be under the Quad Platform "Completely, or Partially".  As long as the vehicle crosses(Completely, or Partially) the diagonal Black Line on the Mat, under the Quad.  Also, any part of the vehicle must be touching the Mat to receive a score of 45 Points.

If the vehicle is elevated, not touching the Mat, your team will receive 0 Points.


 Mission 7

Question from Janet

What happens if the Cargo that is delivered to the top of the Quad lands on part of the Quad for another table? Does the team still get points for it even though it is on another team’s section of the Quad?

Answer by Doug

The Quad Platform is a Common Area, meaning ALL teams share the area equally.  Should Cargo 2 be placed on the Quad Platform and another team inpacts Cargo 2, the Referee should follow the Scoring on the Quad Platform document, section "If multiple robots climb on top of the Quad Platform".  The wording applies to both the robot and any scoring object for that year's challenge.

Also, remember Mission 7 state "Touch".  Cargo 2 must Touch the Quad Platform to score.


Mission 10

 Question from Janet

Where (What location are) do the IRON pieces at start?

Answer by Doug

At the start of the Match, the Iron pieces are located in the Iron Hopper.


 Mission 11

Question from Janet

Before the CARGO is taken to the crater, where does the CARGO start?  What do we do with the truck?

Answer by Doug

At the start of the Match, the Truck Cargo is located in the bed of the Truck.  The Truck has "0" value, ONLY the cargo has value.  Do with the truck what you wish to accomplish the mission of delivering the Cargo to Shackleton Crater.


Question from Melissa

Does the Cargo have to "Touch" the mat to score?

Answer from Doug

No.  The Cargo must be "Partially or Completely" in the ring of Shackleton Crater to score.  It may "touch" or "not touch" the mat to score.