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Deadline to submit a video is 3/31/21

 Virtual Tournament Reguirements

The RCX Challenge for 2020-2021 is going Retro

With the complexity of this school year, the RCX Program is going to try to make things easier and more economical for your school and your robotics program.

First, there is an uncertainty as to when or whether students will be able to
get together to work with their robots as a team.
Second, financially school districts will be faced with decisions on how to
best spend district funds.
Third, will teams be able to participate in tournaments with other schools at
regional and state events.

To help answer these questions, the RCX Program is going Retro, meaning we will use the Mission Horizon Challenge from the 2019-2020 school year for 2020-2021.  This will provide your students the ability to continue their robotics skills, while reducing, or eliminating expenses to purchase new RCX Challenge materials.  We also plan to offer a "Virtual Tournament" for kids to participate from their school without the need to travel.  Ultimately, if in-person tournaments are allowed, we will promote participating at regional tournaments.


 Virtual Tournament Options

To challenge your team, the RCX Program plans to offer Virtual Tournaments of RCX Challenges from years past as well.  Each challenge will have a separate Virtual Tournament for your kids to enjoy.  Click on the "Virtual Tournament Requirements" box above for details. 

Here is a list of Virtual Tournaments planned for this school year:  

     2019-2020  Mission Horizon
     2018-2019  Ua Hala Ka Hala Island Adventure
     2017-2018  Body Works 
     2016-2017  Fun at the Fair
     2015-2016  Avalanch Rescue Challenge
     2014-2015  Mars Adventure Challenge

Use the challenge supplies you have received in the past.  If you need to purchase replacement LEGOs &/or mats limited supplies are available.  The nice thing with the LEGOs is that you can use different color LEGOs to create the Mission Objects for these challenges.


 Challenge Materials

Use the Mission Horizon Challenge materials, videos and documents from last year.

If you would like a different theme, chose from the Past Challenges page and participate in a challenge of the year you like. Use the challenge materials (mat and LEGOs) you purchased in the past.  If you would like new materials, they can be purchased at Supplies for more RCX Challenge Themes, quantities are limited.