September 27, 2018
Ua Hala Ka Hala Island Adventure Challenge Q&A
Post all your questions for the Ua Hala Ka Hala Island Adventure Challenge here. A response to your question will be provided by Doug as soon as time allows. If you would like to comment on others posts, feel free to share.
Jump to comment formKathleen Kirk said:
Do we need to keep the Legos in their respective bags? Can we put them all in a bin? What is the best way for students to find the pieces they need to build mission objects?
doug.rcx said:
The bagged LEGO pieces are in no specific order to help assemble the Mission Objects. I reccomend emtying all the bags at one time.
Separate by color, size and brick type.
As you assemble the Mission Objects, double check your work for accuracy. Remember, there will be about 100 extra LEGO pieces in the unassembled LEGOs sets
Sheila Cunningham said:
Please clarify. The building objects, wood and rock, score if moved from original position or if moved back to the safe zone, not the campsite, correct? I am assuming you misspoke about the campsite because of the text. That is not the secret mission, is it?
Doug RCX said:
Review the Starting and Scoring document for Materials scoring. This should answer your question.
Clarify your secret mission.
Brian Cline said:
Does the robot start at the campsite for every mission?
What is the best tape to use to keep the mat stuck to the plywood? Double face tape is having problems sticking to the plywood.
Doug RCX said:
The robot ALWAYS starts in the Safe Zone.
I use Double sided tape from the hardware store. I have used a 3M product that looks like Scotch Tape, it doesn’t work.
Be careful, some of the double sided tape doesn’t want to come off at the end of the season.
Rhonda Bell said:
Last year we had a sheet like the ones the judges/referees used that we could use during practice for scoring purposes. Is there a sheet like that that lists all of the missions and their potential scores?
Douglas Geiman said:
Thanks for reminding me. I will get it done by Monday.
Leigh Ann Summers said:
Mission 17 says a MAX of 120 points, but when you add 25, 35, 40, and 60 together, it’s 160 points AND you said @ the Coach’s meeting that the students can technically do ALL 4 parts of 17. Is 120 a typo? Thank you! :-)
Louis Peters said:
Mission 15: Does the campfire need to be completely within the camp site or is partial OK?
Louis Peters said:
Mission 5: Our kids were wondering if the Scorpion cages can themselves be on other pieces of lego, which may potentially make it easier to move and position them?
Doug RCX said:
The Secret Mission will be divided between Mission 7& Mission 17.
1st, all 4 parts of Mission 17 can be accomplished with 1 robot. Total Point value is 160 Points
2nd, due to the popularity to include the Pig at our feast, Mission 7 will include the option to deliver the Pig to the Oven for an increased score to 35 Points.
To clarify where to deliver the Pig at the Oven
There is No area outlined on the mat to use to identify a location to deliver the Pig to, so below will define the area of the Oven.
From the East Wall to the east side of the Campsite. An imginary line will extend to the South Wall.
From the South Wall to an imaginary line that will extend from the north side of the Campsite toward the Cave.
Referees will be gracious when awarding the points for the Pig at the Oven.
Doug RCX said:
Mission 15
Review the Starting & Scoring document. Partially and completely both are good.
Doug RCX said:
Mission 5
When you say “if the Scorpion cages can themselves be on other pieces of lego”, if you mean “attach” additional LEGOs to the Scorpion Cage, the answer is No per the General Rules. If you mean use additional LEGOs that are “Un attached” to the Scorpion Cages, the answer is Yes.
Just remember that the Referee needs to be able to visually see that the Scorpion Cage is partially of completely “over” the Scorpion.
Christopher Kidd said:
Based on the comment from Gayla Webb, my team is wondering how controlled can they “control the ball”? They have built a bottomless box the ball falls into; so the ball touches the mat and rolls when the box is moved.
Doug RCX said:
The Ball is designed to cause chaos. The robot, attachements, &/or other devises may be designed to control the action of the Ball.
How your team controls the Ball is up to them.
Campbell ridgeRobotics said:
The students here are curious if “shark” can be added to the food menu?
Doug RCX said:
I like the tought, but No shark for the menu.
Campbell Ridge Robotics said:
The students are having issues getting their robots to see the specific color of the strip by the guardian. Is there something they can try that others have had luck with.
Douglas Geiman said:
Calibrating the sensor is vital. I recomend using a “shadow box” to limit the ambient light from the room.
The green colors on the mat will cause conflict. Calibrate the sensor from the beach side of the island. Limit the calibration range in the programming.
You may have to use motor commands in combination with the sensor.
Erin Snow said:
How are students allowed to get the robot and unattached minifig down from the Mountain Volcano? Are they allowed to pick it up with their hands or does it have to climb down?
Doug RCX said:
Make sure to review the Coaches Meeting video at minute 42:00 for a complete explanation.
The Referee will score the Match after the clock goes to “0:00”. The Referee will score minifigs in the position they rest at the end of the Match. After the Referee reviews the score with your Team Captain, any item on/under the Quad Platform will be returned to the team.
Crystal Kennedy said:
Can the minifig be contained within a closed raft without being connected to the raft?
Doug RCX said:
Yes Crystal, the minifig may be inclosed within a contaner. Teh referee may ask to see that the item within the container is actually a minifig. Also, the referee will shake the container, the referee must be able to hear a rattling sound of the minifig moving within the container.
Holly Norris said:
The building materials information is conflicting in the video and in the printable scoring sheets. Are they supposed to deliver those materials to the campsite or safety zone for extra pts?
Doug RCX said:
Hello Holly
For Mission 12, you will receive a higher score if the Materials are delivered to the Safe Zone.
Ron said:
Our question is will points be rounded up or down in scoring? In other words, if a raft is touching both the light and dark blue sections, will it be scored as 30 or 15 points?
Doug RCX said:
Escape Raft Scoring
Review the Escape Raft scoring document.
If the Escape Rafte is “on” or “above” both colors, you will ony score 30 points.
Jerry said:
On Mission 11: If the robot causes the arm to disconnect from the rest of the waterfall, does it score as being down?
Doug RCX said:
Good question.
In the mission’s document it states reposition. In the video it demonstrates how the arm must be relocated. Nowhere does it explain if the arm brakes off.
Therefore, the action the robot must complete for this mission is the movement of the LEGOs at the pivot point of the base of the Waterfall and the Waterfall arm.
Meaning if the Waterfall mission object were to brake, the Waterfall Arm must still be attached to the Waterfall Base at the LEGOs which create the pivot point. You would award a positive score based on whether the LEGOs of the arm are repositioned down at least 1 position.
Jerry said:
Mission 15: Does the Minifig need to be unattached from campfire site if they are delivered together? Could they be placed in a student-made vehicle first and then delivered together?
Doug RCX said:
For Mission 15 you have 2 questions.
First:Does the Minifig need to be unattached from campfire site if they are delivered together?
The Coaches Meeting video shows how they can be delivered both separately and together. If you place them together, the Campfire and the Minifig must follow General Rule 24.
LEGOs (Mission Objects) may not be attached. Please review General Rule 24 completely.
Question 2: Could they be placed in a student-made vehicle first and then delivered together?
Yes. The scoring items are the Campfire and the Minifig, not the student made vehicle. Just because the vehicle is “In” the Campsite, does not mean the Campfire and the Minifig are in the Campsite.
To score, the referee will look down from above. Considering the campfire & the minifig separately, if in the referee’s judgement both items are “Partially” or “Completely” in the Campsite the team would recieve a score. If one or both of the items are NOT partially or completely in the Campsite then the team would receive NO score.
Doug RCX said:
A few comments for Coaches, relating to the Referee Training:
1. Referees may be seasoned adults, or volunteers who have never worked with RCX before. Meaning the knowledge of RCX, UIA Challenge, etc will vary widely.
2. Coaches, your job is to teach your students. The students MUST know the General Rules, UIA Challenge Missions, and so on. The robot performs the action on th mat, the action must follow key mission words like: Touch, In, On, Above, Present, etc.
The referee’s job is to provide positive reinforcement of a job well done to the students. To rule to “benefit” the students.
Ultimately, the Coach must provide the necessary support in the classroom so that the team performs well on tournament day.
3. Team Captain. Should the Team Captain have a question relating to how the referee scored the Match, The Team Captain (NOT an adult) will respectfully question the referee. If the response from the referee is not satisfactory, then both the Team Captain and referee should inquire to the Head Referee for a final ruling.
Summer said:
Is it okay if the students use the guardian to push the treasure backwards off the podium? Also, do the campfire and water have to be all the way in at the camp site? Thanks!
Are the waterfall balls different sizes in the different kits? Will they all be different at the tournament?
Doug RCX said:
Hello Summer,
Yes, it is OK to use the Guardian to effect the Treasure.
Yes for the Campfire and Water. Review the Starting/Scoring Position document for a complete description.
Doug RCX said:
Hello Leigh Ann
Each ball is the same size and weigh.
youngdo said:
about the bridge…
to score, the bridge must touch land on both sides of the water.
does it matter if the bridge is upside-down, curled, or folded?
Doug RCX said:
The Bridge
Your team may position the Bridge in any way they choose. The final resting position of the Bridge must touch land on both sides of the river.
Doug RCX said:
I reviewed many documents to clarify your question. There is no general rule or other document stating that communication is not allowed.
I know personally that in many videos, documents, and meetings I have held, communication among team members is part of the goal or premise of the rcx program.
Present the question at the coaches meeting at your local tournament for clarification regarding team member communication. If at the coaches meeting they deem communication not allowed, contact me ASAP for me too contact The Host.
I know personally, there has been a practice at tournaments for many many years that coaches and other adults are not allowed to communicate to team members during the match.
youngdo said:
My students managed to make time for an additional mission. They want to cook the pig. I’ve read the description above, but still confused.
Is the imaginary area basically the Campsite-sized rectangle east of the campsite?
North Border = northern edge of the campsite extending E
South Border = southern edge of the campsite extending E
West Border = eastern edge of the campsite
East Border = vertical line parallel to the eastern edge at the oven.
Doug RCX said:
A description is posted on the Secret Mission Q&A.
Doug RCX said:
A description is posted on the Secret Mission Q&A.